Mary Jo Foley just wrote me and told me to check out her new Windows News site and promptly learned that Microsoft might be working on a new programming language called X#. Hmmm, Don Box is involved. [The Scobleizer Weblog]
This sounds like it might be interesting. BEA created a JavaScript-with-XML-syntax-entensions language for scripting web services which does feel a little bit like a hack to me - it'll be interesting to see what X# ends up looking like.
I can't help thinking that real programming languages should just provide their own APIs to XML and web services - is there really such a need for a new programming language just for XML? Afterall XML is just a text encoding format.
The converse to the above approach is to use real XML and to embed expression or scripting languages inside it. e.g. XSLT, Ant build files, JSP (to a certain extent) or Jelly. Jelly scripts for example are normal XML documents that can be parsed by any XML tool, which can have expression languages or other real scripting languages (XPath, JavaScript, Jython, JRuby etc) embedded inside the XML.
I'm yet to be convinced by the hybrid approach of a non-XML-syntax programming language which has kinda-XML syntax support.
2:00:08 PM