Business people really love to see their buisiness data sliced & diced in lots of different ways. The more slicing and dicing the better. Whatever the figures are, sales fgures, marketing stuff, whatever, sliced by location, country, sales person, product group, day of the week, month, whatever.
I've found a really groovy open source OLAP engine in Java called Mondrian that happily sites on any JDBC provider and provides a full OLAP slicing & dicing capabilities. There's a JSP front end, JPivot which provides a great web front end to drill down into your data cubes in any dimension you wish. It also aims to implement the Java OLAP API too. Cool beans!
If you're building a Java web application for your company, go on, try add Mondrian support to your web app. You're users will love you for it.
3:11:23 PM