I spotted this on Bill's blog
Mark Baker:
"For everybody I know who came from a CORBA/DCOM-like distributed systems background, but now understands the Web, serious mental model rewiring occurred. "
Lucky for us fules then, who never started with CORBA or DCOM to begin with.
I know what Bill means; there is a danger of having your mental models contaminated by what you've learnt before. I remember it taking quite a while to rewire to really get the web after coming from a MOM / SEDA / CORBA background.
However I think really trying to grok CORBA, MOM and Web/REST architecrtures can give you a really good understanding of each architecture. i.e. that rewiring to grok all 3 architectures can be really benefitial.
Its a little like when Pragmatic Dave says you should learn lots of languages as each new language can help you use your current language. Similarly learning how to build good CORBA & MOM architectures can help you when building web applications/services too.
In particular CORBA has some good lessons in what not to do in Web Services :). Also there are many lessons from the world of MOMs that translate very nicely into the web, REST and Web Service worlds.
But I certainly agree with Marks original comments, that getting the web when coming from a CORBA background does take a bit of a zen moment. (Though I don't think its so bad coming from a MOM background, as they're vsimilar in quite a few ways).
9:03:41 AM