Permanent link to this day's archive Friday, March 28, 2003

OK: So, some of you have responded, "Book Club? Who reads?"

After the initial shock of such outlandish articulation, i got thinking, well, if not books, how about movies? Perhaps one night a month your neighborhood movie club could choose a movie to view (together or separately) and then take turns hosting a discussion about it. Hey, why not start with one of the movies used in the "God in the Movies" series done at Cedar Ridge each fall?

(who reads?! mumble, mumble...)

2:53:48 PM  #   comment []


If you haven't had a chance to catch harpist April Stace Vega plucking her stuff, you might want to step out this Saturday night (or any Saturday night) down to M and 30th in Georgetown to hear her at Twist.

One of those quirky little places, Twist couldn't have more than a dozen tables, but the food is eclectic and tasty and the service we received was excellent! In such a small space, you won't have much trouble watching this mesmerizing harpist (and all of the passers-by who stop to watch her through the front glass window!).

April does take special requests (ask her to do one of her original pieces!) and includes in the evening's repertoire everything from Erik Satie to Tracy Chapman. Hey, Cedar Ridgers, check her out...she loves to see familiar faces.

7:18:38 AM  #   comment []