Permanent link to this day's archive Monday, March 31, 2003

Re-Imaging the Community

It seems there are always WAY too many great classes being offered in my area. I am often frustrated when i see some offering that looks so appealing, only to discover it's at a time or day of the week that's simply not "do-able" for me. So, i've decided to let you in on what i discover hoping that, even though i can't take advantage of the growth opportunities, maybe one of you could!

The Servant Leadership School in DC is offering a Spring class called "Re-Imaging the Community & the People in it." Isn't that a great title? Here's the blurb from the catalogue:

When we respond to Jesus' invitation to follow him, we embark on a journey that challenges the cultural assumptions upon which we have based our lives. We soon discern that Jesus' ways are not our ways. We cannot learn to truly love our neighbors, or follow Jesus, unless we grow aware of the inner and outer area of resistance that prevent us from crossing the barriers that separate us.

This class will consist primarily of field trips to "re-image" our community, taking an asset-based approach to the issues and people of lower-income D.C. neighborhoods. Participants will be introduced to people, programs, viewpoints, and neighborhoods that defy the current negative stereotypes. We will explore the good news within the city and witness inspirational stories of strength, courage, and leadership in inner-city neighborhoods. Taught by Jim Dickerson and Jim Melson on Tuesdays, April 15 - June3, 4:30-6:00 p.m.

12:11:33 PM  #   comment []

New England Brass Band

Do you like British Brass? Do you even know what the difference is? Well, the first hint is there are NO trumpets...Cornets only!

Here is a shameless plug for one of my favorite "British Brass" type bands: the New England Brass Band. Under the direction of Boston Symphony Orchestra's bass trombonist, Doug Yeo, this band of extraordinary volunteers has had the opportunity to record not one, but two albums in Symphony Hall.

I have many fond memories of the annual Christmas concerts and pot luck dinners we had in Andover with the NEBB...(Hey, 'guys' [guys: any member of the band, both male and female] do you remember the year we ordered Chinese food?) Always playing to a packed house, this band has been a yearly favorite Christmas offering at Free Church.

Be sure to check out their CD's and make a plan to book them at your church or community venue.

8:13:24 AM  #   comment []