Thursday, September 19, 2002 |
It's Obivous, But I Feel Better Having Said It
There's increasing evidence that the network has to evolve, such as here and here. It was once a bunch of devices strung together. While it supported applications, neither the applications nor the network and its middle-layer services were aware of each other. But that's changing. In the future, the network won't be a collection of devices that people will have to manage by twiddling bits. It will be a logical entity that people will manage through policy. And as applications get more symmetrical (P2P, if you must), the basic way in which we build and manage networks must change.
3:48:17 PM
In the Must-Read Category
Lawrence Lessig's Supreme Showdown: This is a great piece in Wired on Lessig, his background, and the copyright cause he's leading. More food for thought, and I have to say that my gut tells me Lessig's right.
10:49:04 AM
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