Thursday, October 17, 2002 |
Thanks . . .
To Jon Udell for the kind words regarding my talk at Digital ID World in his blog.
11:03:53 AM
More on Data Networking
Mike Neuenschwander recently wrote a report for us on data networking, the idea that data can be an addressable, shareable object. While transaction-oriented, remote procedure systems will always be with us, I think there's something to be said for making the procedure opaque, and making the data itself the focus of sharing. This article in InfoWorld describes technologies that IBM is experimenting with that could well lead in that direction, focusing on data integration, grid computing, and XML transformations. And this article in InfoWorld describes Tibco's acquistion of Praja for montioring processes across networks.
10:52:50 AM
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[Macro error: Poorly formed XML text, we were expecting . (At character #143.)]