Monday, January 06, 2003 |
Broadband Reports has this item on more delays in 3G deployments, this time the NTT/ATT partnership which was to have been deployed this year, now look like it won't be generally available until 2005. Another data-point suggesting that grassroots WiFi broadband, mesh networks, and unlicensed specturm will more than likely become the de facto standards for high-speed wireless.
12:31:42 PM
Mitch Kapor has blogged a posting from WIRED author Kevin Altis on the differences between Chandler and Outlook. Recently I've been working on a project that involves trying to integrate into the Outlook environment in order to leverage its messaging engine (creation and delivery) and contact/address information. My project is Internet-centric. Outlook is not. While there are ample APIs on the client and server, it requires a lot of proprietary plumbing and requires end-users to install binary software. I'm looking forward to Chandler as a more open, Internet-centric platform for messaging and contact management.
12:13:37 PM
Jon Udell's great write-up on his experiment in creating a viral web service using a library lookup service is great. It's fascinating to see how quickly the network effects of RSS/weblogs + open, URL-based APIs can combine to achieve massive adoption of a software service. Jon's advice to web service creators is right on --- keep it simple and compatible, and leverage the auto-magic aspects of weblog's and RSS aggregators to reach millions of users.
He also comments on the interesting ways in which weblogs inherently provide a form of trust and authentication on content --- popularity rankings, weblog indexing engines, and the authenticity and value of the authors voice and content convey measures of trust and value to online content.
12:07:57 PM
The emergence of Wi-Fi really has to be the story of the year. I'm currently reading The Wireless Networking Starter Kit, an excellent primer. The authors, Adam Engst and Glenn Fleishman, explaining how and why Wi-Fi is transformative, finally conclude: "It's just freaking cool." Amen to that!
Right on Jon! As I've mentioned in the past, WiFi growth continues to remind me of the build-up to the hyper-growth the Internet saw in 1993 and 1994. May 2003 and beyond be as fruitful.
11:56:29 AM
Figleaf Software has just released WYSIDRAW 1.0, a pretty cool Flash component for shared drawing and whiteboarding. When used standalone it allows any end-user with Flash Player 6 to easily draw and markup a graphic or create one from scratch, and all the graphic data can be saved via XML to your server of choice. The more powerful use is when it is combined with Flash Communication Server, where it becomes a shared design and whiteboard environment. Take a look at the live demo happening on their site.
11:52:12 AM
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