"I think it all boils down to whether we want inference engines
to function more like Google, with potentially lots of false
positives which *might* be useful, or like a reasoning engine
where a positive result can be trusted"
............. Patrick Stickler of the W3C RDF Working group
I vote for more like Google. Binary logic is way too britle for practical use on the wild west of the Internet. Logic only works when people are talking about exactly the same thing .... D'oh ... how many time do you think that happens ? And don't tell me that the URI will magically wash away the age old Tower of Babel. I don't think so.
I think that the W3C's obsession with binary logic has delayed the advent of practical use of interoperable data by about 5 years. What difference will things like monotonic vs nonmonotonic and tidy vs untidy make to the results given us by automated agents that are mucking in the environment of the utter semantic confusion of the human perdicament ?
Anyway, the Semantic web is a mis-nomer .... a blood system or a water system is a better metaphor. What we have are rivers of data flowing into an ocean of data. What we need are sailors!
Logic is Great ... Survival is better !
4:01:37 PM