Adam's Blogging Adventure :
Updated: 10/25/2002; 12:05:45 PM.


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Sunday, October 06, 2002


(as long as she doesn't think he's scary)

1:11:14 PM    comment []

ok....been a few days....the good news is that I should be outta here in like a week....thank god! It's going to be so nice to get out of SOCAL as much as I love it down here, and the surfing and the god the women...but from what i have hear the chicks in Colorado are pretty the words of my best friend "you can go and fall in love with ski bunnies all year long"....he hit the nail on the head! well it will be nice to get out of here and get on with my life.....learned and grew up a lot and met some assholes and met some people that have changed my life (MIG, Mike) and those are the people that will always be with you, the ones that you will never forget and always talk about......those are the ones that are make you the person that you are today.....I hope that someday that I can be that for know thinking it over the past couple of days I hope for a lot of things, I want to teach people things, and make a difference, I guess that's what fuels my drive to be a teacher....those are the people that kids look up to and their the ones that make a difference in kids lives and we all know that kids today need that more then anything....I want to know what love is too...I thought that I did but don't.....I don't know what it's like to give myself over to someone and be completely at ease.....that's tough to think about...and it's something that we all go through life looking for....if there's one thing I know is that when it gets to you you'll know it, don't ever make something that's not it work, you'll end up regretting it later, do things for you, make you happy, when you finally find someone to love you'll figure out what it means to care about someone else....I worry about me way too much....not ready for that yet, but it's been fun learning.... :) who knows what the future holds? this I do know.....we have to live each day as it comes, and not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will take care of itself, live in the moment, plan, but live each day as it's your last because who knows, it very well maybe........'s almost three and I need to get some sleep....MIKE--I owe you about a million beers when I get out of here, we'll sit at Duke's and do our best when I get out of here.......

she was a smart woman in a real short skirt--ADAM

2:53:03 AM    comment []

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