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Mar May |
Cave yields 'earliest jewellery'. Shell beads that were once part of a necklace or bracelet are said by scientists to be 75,000 years old. [BBC News | News Front Page | UK Edition]
I wonder exactly when a prot-human first picked up an object and thought about it conceptually.....
4:22:43 PM

Subject: Iraq: Out of Control
Iraq is out of control. Sign the petition calling on President Bush and Congress to immediately transfer authority for Iraq to the United Nations.
The effort to stabilize Iraq is out of control. President Bush spoke for
an hour last night, and still did not lay out a plan. It's time to face
the facts squarely, and recognize that America, acting alone, is no longer
capable of reaching the hearts and minds of Iraqis.
We've got to transfer management authority over Iraq to the United
Nations, to enable a real transition to peaceful Iraqi self-rule. Join us
in calling for this change, at:
60 Americans and reportedly hundreds of Iraqis have been killed in just
the past week; 677 Americans have died in Iraq since the war began. A
religious leader hostile to the United States now controls two cities, and
has sparked uprisings in two others. Dozens of foreigners have been taken
The growing opposition to American rule among the Iraqi population
"probably runs in the tens of thousands", consisting of people who "have
jobs in vegetable shops, offices, garages, and schools."1 These are the
very people who should comprise the civil society we're hoping to build as
the basis for peaceful Iraqi self-rule. Instead, they're arming themselves
and awaiting the call to attack Americans.
Our troops in Iraq are stretched thin -- many reservists have been serving
there for more than a year, with no end in sight. U.S. commanders are
asking for more troops, and Senate leaders like John McCain share the
concern that our current troop levels are inadequate. There's talk of a
draft, perhaps to be announced just after our November elections.
But instead of simply redoubling our commitment to the present course, we
should support our soldiers by taking the bull's-eye off their backs.
At its core, the challenge our troops face in Iraq is about legitimacy:
Iraqis see us increasingly as an occupying power, not a liberating one. To
send a credible message of stewardship and transition to self-rule, we
need a truly international coalition, including key Arab nations like
Egypt and Saudi Arabia. As Thomas Friedman put it, "If it is America alone
against the Iraqi street, we lose. If it is the world against the Iraqi
street, we have a chance."2
Of course, transferring control to the U.N. would also enable many other
nations to share the logistical and financial burdens of helping Iraq
transition to peaceful self-rule.
This isn't a partisan issue. "In both parties, members are concerned,"
according to Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) "There's not abject panic, but
there's deep concern, and there should be."3
The time to make this change is now, before the situation escalates
further out of control. Join us in this call, at:
Thank you, for all you do.
--Carrie, Joan, Noah, Peter, and Wes
The MoveOn.org Team
Wednesday, April 14th, 2004
1. See this sobering New York Times article for details:
2. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/04/11/opinion/11FRIE.html
3. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A355-2004Apr9.html
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1:21:58 PM