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Friday, June 04, 2004
A call to action:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Warren"
To: "Jim Warren"
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 5:01 PM
Subject: action item for those concerned about unrecountable voting systems
> Can anything be more fundamental to a democracy and a representative
> republic, than the integrity of its elections processes?!
> The American Civil Liberties Union have been reviewing the issue of
> electronic voting systems -- and the choice between unauditable,
> unverifiable, unrecountable paperless systems ... versus the
> alternative systems that are available that DO produce a
> VOTER-verified, auditable, recountable paper ballots.
> Unauditable paperless systems have already been (wisely!) outlawed in
> California, and more and more examples of their failure,
> unreliability and unaccountability surface with every new major
> election where they are used.
> Thus, I was amazed -- and APPALLED! -- to hear that some key ACLU
> insiders are apparently -- ardently! -- FAVORING the unauditable,
> unrecountable paperless systems!
> What's worse, apparently their decision is near at hand:
> >From: Barry Steinhardt
> >Date: Thu, 03 Jun 2004 18:30:14 -0400
> >...
> >We are now in the process of developing that "final" policy and hope to
> >have it done relatively soon. That policy will be adopted by our
oard --
> >not the staff -- and will be the end product of a process that will
> >a wide range of points of view and information.
> If you have ANY interest in the INTEGRITY of the nation's elections
> systems -- whether you are an ACLU member (or opponent!), or not --
> you might consider firing-off your candid views about this to it's
> President (Nadine Strossen ), staff
> ( ) and state affiliates
> ( ) .
> --jim
> Jim Warren;, public-policy advocate & technology writer
> [Soc.of Prof.Journalists-Nor.Cal.James Madison Freedom-of-Information
> Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award (1992, its first year);
> Playboy Foundation Hugh Hefner First-Amendment Award (1994);
> founded the Computers, Freedom & Privacy Conferences; blah blah blah]
> Oh ... and even more bizarre -- the national League of Women Voters
> also supports paperless electronic voting systems, that offer NO
> ability to produce or use reliable [paper] voter-verified original
> records for audits and recounts.
> It's almost as though these people are actually so naive as to
> believe that computers NEVER make mistakes mistakes mistakes mistakes
> mistakes ... !
7:57:04 AM