Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Ash Glaze and Meaning, con't

While perhaps shocking to some, potters occasionally use ash from human remains (cremation) in their glazes. This is not done for technical reasons, of course, but to memorialize the person.

Some tips include:
  • Using a standard bone ash glaze recipe (bone ash is usually from non-human animals.)
  • There are often non-ash pieces that need to be sieved out after cremation.
  • It seems the ash may not melt even at cone 10.
  • Paul Soldner, wrote an article in Studio Potter, P 93. Vol 22, No.2. June 1994

Thanks ClayArt.

The conceptual component to such pieces is obvious.  However, visually the pieces would look like many other glazes.  Meta-information is required to fully realize the piece.

9:23:27 PM