'Round the Horn Tim Jarrett meets William Gibson and thinks I am reminiscent of Gibson’s character Gentry, the mad artist/hacker who is obsessed with the shape of the “matrix,” of cyberspace.
George Dafermos and I are collaboratively filtering my book problem (turns out its a time problem). He is in the middle of a paper on weblogs that's worth a participatory read.
Rick Klau wonders how Augmented Moblogging could apply to trade shows, especially his sore feet. The solution he may be looking for is VR, not AR.
Stuart Henshall is spending way too much time on Ryze. But its leading him to good thoughts on if companies should encourage their employees to network online, one line bios, scenarios for identity and collaborative sharing as "Gray Matter."
Im an RSS bigot, but Im in good company.
Michael Gartenberg of Jupiter Research, now that his parent company aims to fill the gap left by the ailing Comdex, seeks ideas for the next megaconference.
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