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Saturday, July 26, 2003

Blog for Governor

Peter Kaminski:

In case you've not heard, the Democratic Governor in California sucks. Well, that's what a rich Republican spoiler and a million Californians think. Personally, I'm not sure he sucks more than a lot of other politicians in the country, but that's another story.

Anyway, the petition to have a recall vote for Governor has succeeded, and we're to have a recall election October 7th. The first question will be whether or not to fire the current Governor, and then there will be list of candidates to replace him if is fired.

The interesting thing is that it's pretty easy to qualify to be a candidate. You need to be a US citizen and have 100 voters from your party sign a nomination form. There's a $3,500.00 filing fee, but you can submit 10,000 signatures from voters in lieu of the filing fee. Those are the high points; for details, see the recall docs at the California Secretary of State site.

Should blogspace field a candidate or two?

Should blogspace field a thousand candidates, in a civil protest about the process?

There is only a vanishingly small chance such a blogspace candidate would be elected, but just fielding a candidate and getting a couple hundred thousand votes would say, "We are here." It's an interesting opportunity. Paperwork is due August 9th.

If we did field a candidate, part of the message should be how silly this is.  Its an abomination that 5% of the population can force a recall.  If only the requirements were so low to initiate a public referrendum to amend Article 2 of the California constitution.

11:39:37 AM    comment []

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