Academici is a virtual community for academics. "The virtual academy is aimed specifically at the academic world." Its key characteristics are described as "global peer to peer network; very precise search engine; sophisticated yet simple to use communication platform; professional contact management system; content-driven fora run by experts; academic-related services on one platform; secure data protection, no advertising, no direct sales, no spam."
Academici is just getting started so it remains to be seen if all its goals can be achieved; it will be especially important for Academici to reach a critical level of involved participants. Registration is required to use Academici.
"Academici is the first global networking platform linking academics, academic-related associations, societies, academic services, students and academic-related business." Of course many potential participants in Academici already participate in diverse other online networking activities (from Flickr, to blogging, to wikis, to podcasting, and on to many other outlets)--whether Academici adds a special value for academics will be worth observing.___JH
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