Thursday, September 02, 2004

A Feeble Attempt

In a feeble and shamless attempt to have this weblog banned at Panera, I offer the following from the Scotsman:

IT’S a scientific fact: human brains are programmed for orgasms - with or without the actual sex act.

Perhaps nobody listening to football commentators will be surprised by the news, claimed to have been proven by one of the lecturers at this week’s Orkney International Science Festival. Dr Robert Lomas - a solid-state physicist and an internationally known author on religious symbolism - says that evolution has allowed humans to develop the sex-free orgasm.

"It’s the same reward mechanism that encourages us to share our DNA," said Dr Lomas. "But it can be achieved without the physical act of copulation."

Only humans have this power to induce mental ecstasy, and it’s a complex set of responses that can be achieved by learned behavioural patterns or triggered by hyper-arousal during peak experiences, he says.

"At times of hyper-arousal, our brains are designed to freeload on the behavioural reward that encourages us to reproduce," he said. "And that is another name for orgasm."

File under SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX Stuff That Don't Fit Anywhere Else.

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Why Censored WiFi?

I was ecstatic when I saw the Free WiFi Inside sign at my local Panera. I had visions of downing hot cups of java and broadband wireless without having to pay the ridiculous prices that T-Mobile charges over at Starbucks. So, I was clicking over to one of my favorite daily reads when this came up on the screen:

This site is blocked by the SonicWALL Content Filter Service.
Reason for restriction: Forbidden Category "Violence/Hate/Racism"

You've got to be kidding me right? I mean, Dog Snot Diaries?

Who the hell makes these decisions? I mean, I'm an adult and I don't need some corporate asshat telling me what I can read on the web. It wouldn't let me on to FARK either, because it was considered to be "pornographic." What are they afraid of, somebody's going to be looking over my shoulder and I might be looking at a boobies link? You know what? Stop looking over my friggin' shoulder and drink your coffee you pervert!


File under Rants and Raves.

7:09:55 PM    Go ahead, make my day  []  trackback []  

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2004< >The Shadow Government Ltd. .
Last update: 10/1/2004; 5:53:37 PM .

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