Public Domain Reader (PD Reader) "The Public Domain Reader (PD Reader) was an answer to a question. "How can I view the countless Project GutenbergTM Etexts in a more convenient way...". While there are stand-alone readers for different operating systems available, there was no conveniant, intuitive way to view the Etexts through a browser that I was happy with.The PD Reader bridges this gap, and allows for convenient viewing of the desired Etext through a standard web browser." 8:36:53 PM |
Uppåt för handdatorer 2003 " I år ökar försäljningen av handdatorer, både till företag och konsumenter, enligt en ny rapport från marknadsundersökningsföretaget Instat/Mdr." Computer Sweden 7:55:33 PM |
HandStory adds 1500 ebook titles PDAGeek 6:28:54 PM |
D-Lib Magazine "D-Lib Magazine is a solely electronic publication with a primary focus on digital library research and development, including but not limited to new technologies, applications, and contextual social and economic issues."... "The primary goal of the magazine is timely and efficient information exchange for the digital library community." 5:26:14 PM |
Online Library Wants It All, Every Book "The directors of the new Alexandria Library, which christened a steel and glass structure with 250,000 books in October, have joined forces with an American artist and software engineers in an ambitious effort to make virtually all of the world's books available at a mouse click." New York Times 2003-03-01. For access to the article you'll need to register - it's free of charge. Log-in: 5:18:50 PM |