READ AN EBOOK WEEK- March 9th - 15th "Most eBook authors are well acquainted with the frustrations of promoting electronic books. Anyone over the age of twenty-five grew up enjoying a love affair with paper, and electronic literature is viewed as a threat to the status quo. After all, the last real shake up to the publishing industry was the development of the printing press in the 1450s. Soon after my first co-authored ebook was published it became painfully apparent that it would not be easy to change the reading habits of my peers. The best I could do was lead by example, so I demonstrated by eBook reader at every opportunity. Unfortunately, one person marching out of step with the crowd will, at best, be looked upon as a loveable eccentric. A more pro-active approach was needed; something that would unite the lonely solo voices of eBook promoters under a single banner. Read An eBook Week was born. Read an eBook Week is registered with Chase's Calendar of Events (, a day by day directory of special days, weeks and months used by event planners or anyone looking for a reason to celebrate. By having the week recognized in an official publication, eBook promoters acquire a legitimacy they didn't have before." Read more: Free eBooks from during the 'Read An eBook Week': "FREE eBook from our Mystery/Suspense author, Betty Sullivan La Pierre. This offer good only during the week of March 9-15, "Read an E-book Week". Pick any of her eBooks at and then e-mail Ms. La Pierre, telling her which book you prefer and what format. She'll send it to you within 12 hours. Only one eBook per customer." Read more: ePublisher's Weekly on the 'Read An eBook Week': via Teleread blogs4God ( on 'Read an eBook Week': "This is National Read an eBook Week, a week set aside to promote awareness of the electronic publishing industry, a way to let people know that not only can one find thousands of public domain classics as free eBooks, but that new, quality books are being published in these formats. As part of the celebration I am offering b4G readers the opportunity to read for free an award-nominated novel...mine! Read more: 9:17:28 AM ![]() |