Open eBook Forum Library Special Interest Group "This is the sharepoint website for the OeBF Library Special Interest Group. The Library SIG will address the issues and challenges surrounding the burgeoning library eBook market and welcomes librarians, publishers, technology companies, distributors and other interested parties." Open eBook Forum 11:34:21 PM ![]() |
Europas förenta tidskrifter "Eurozine är i dag den förmodligen ledande europeiska kulturtidskriften på nätet. Dess redaktion håller till i Wien. Dess redaktör är dock svensk, Carl Henrik Fredriksson - född i Jönköping 1965 men före flytten till Wien bosatt i Göteborg, där han gjorde sig känd som en idérik och energisk redaktör för Ord & Bild." SvD 2003-04-16 Läs mer: "the founders of eurozine are: Kritika & Kontext, Mittelweg36, Ord&Bild, Revista Crítica, Transit, Wespennest. eurozine is an independent network of and portal for European cultural journals and a multilingual magazine of its own. eurozine links and promotes the leading cultural magazines from all over Europe; drawing on this network it publishes contemporary essays and literary texts on its website. By providing a Europe-wide overview of current themes and discussions, as published in the cultural journals involved in the project, eurozine facilitates communication and exchange between the journals themselves and offers a rich source of information for an international readership. By presenting the best articles from its partners and their countries, as well as original texts on the most pressing issues of our times, eurozine opens up a new space for transnational debate. eurozine is a non-profit institution, with an editorial office based in Vienna and an editorial board composed of the editors of 5 European cultural journals. eurozine presently gives access to about 100 periodicals." 10:52:49 PM ![]() |
Palm Digital Media Press Release: Two European-based Internet Retailers Become First Online Bookstores to Offer Palm Reader eBooks in French and German Markets "MAYNARD, Mass., March 4, 2003 - Two Internet retailers, envi.con KG of Berlin and GiantChair, an American company based in Paris, are the first online bookstores to offer German and French language editions of Palm Reader eBooks, Palm Digital Media, Inc. announced today." Palm Digital Media 2003-03-04 " est un service de GiantChair, Inc., heureux de partager les technologies de son confrère Palm Digital Media pour vous apporter, jour après jour, des livres que vous pourrez glisser dans votre poche (sur votre Palm ou PocketPC…) ou lire sur un ordinateur (PC ou Mac)." pdassi eBooks "pdassi eBooks bringt Ihnen ein umfangreiches Angebot an hochwertigen, elektronischen Büchern für Ihren Handheld- oder Desktop-Computer. pdassi kooperiert dabei mit Palm Digital Media, Tochterfirma des Handheldherstellers Palm und dem weltweit führenden Vertriebshaus für eBooks auf mobilen Plattformen." 6:39:59 PM ![]() |
Comment: Will Office take a leaf from Adobe's ebook? Lem Bingley 2003-04-17 "When Adobe first unleashed its portable document format, PDF, the world was a very different place. It was 1993, CD-ROMs still seemed like a neat alternative to filing cabinets, and most people hadn't heard of the internet...." 4:11:38 PM ![]() |