Days Come and Days Go : A weblog of reflections and thoughts, as Days Come and Days Go
Updated: 9/4/2003; 8:51:10 PM.


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Monday, August 04, 2003

I Love The Night Life 

Caesars_PalaceThere is just something about Vegas at night that is almost impossible to explain to another person who has never experienced it. It's more than just the light, although they do shine ever so bright. It's more than the audacious way they display their architecture, although one must admit it is amazing. And it's more than shameless way they attempt to draw one into their facilities with promises of free "this" and extra "that". No, to understand you must look into the faces of those you pass on the street. They seem to have a certain single determination to get somewhere, find something or locate someone. Here at Caesars, when you are finished trying your luck at the tables, you can mill around the hundreds of exclusive stores located in a special wing where roman statues "come alive" every hour on the hour and the cloud filled sky of purple and blue hues dance above on the ceiling over the thousands of gallons of water in the multiple aquariums filled with sharks and other salt water creatures.Eiffel_Tower

There is but one Eiffel Tower in the world, but the one in France has serious competition with Vegas for the next best thing. Towering overhead, this building houses a restaurant and is located in front of The Parisean. Inside, you will find quaint French-like cobblestone alleys and walkways. Games and entertainment abound as well as food and of course gambling. The waitresses here are lovely in their skintight french maid outfits and information can be had at any of the French Police walking the beat. Evidently I was so fascinated with the many rural country streets inside, that I became lost and found myself in the banquet halls where a "Hooters Girls" countrywide competition was being held. Each of the buxom beauties wore a sash from her locale and of course smiled anyone coming near, perhaps hoping to find a lost judge. I wondered whether MY vote would have counted?


Further down the strip I found an elevated height which was conducive to taking this photo. The skyline of the eastern "lookalike" may have been somewhat smaller and more crowded together than the real thing, but I am sure that the people riding the rollercoaster which encircles the building had their minds on many other details that night. As I gazed up and down the strip in the heat of the night, I had to stop and smile wondering whether anyone else was as intrigued by what men had envisioned way back in the 1940's when this piece of sand was nothing more than a place for rattlesnakes and tumbleweeds. I said, most had that far off look and most of those looks had dollar signs in them.Slots_Alot

After my short excursion down the strip, I decided to head inside to the New York, New York Casino to see what life was like on the inside. A two level entryway allowed one to either head straight for the casino or, to the shops skirting the slots. There I found, Starbucks and hotel shops. But the most interesting was the Coyote Ugly Bar upstairs. The place was packed and some wild times were to be had in there. Although my curiosity was piqued, I decided to forge on but lingering, just a bit, at the Coyote Ugly shop and salesgirls just outside its doors. They were selling the tanktops,T-shirts and yes, thongs, all ingraved with the Coyote Ugly logo. I can affirm that sales were...brisk!

Today's Quote:

How 'Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down On The Farm After They've Seen Paree? (1918 WWI Song) -Sam M. Lewis & Joe Young

8:59:23 PM    your thoughts? []

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