Friday, April 25, 2003 |
Inteview with Miguel De Icaza. Talking with the GNOME creator about its origins and purpose. [Linux Journal]
Interesting interview. Miguel is still pursuing Mono (OSS .Net platform) and seems to have some very interesting reasons why. My big take-away: He's interested in the .Net innovation of creating a byte code specification that can be adapted to any language - C++, Eiffel, Lisp, Java, etc. When you put it that way, it sounds interesting to me too. I would love to be able to have my choice of language in development.
Of course, this all comes back to someone must support your work. So, the language you program in IS going to matter.
5:28:51 PM
Product announcement. The slick Windows interface for Radio from Social DynamX (a partner of UserLand) is now available for download. It should be up in the store soon. It offers the following...[John Robb's Radio Weblog]
It really is slick looking. If you don't like the Radio web interface, you should check it out. One thing really cool - SPELLCHECK!!!
5:15:38 PM
The screenshot of Radio running on Linux under Wine is great. If any has one of Manila on Linux it would be great. [John Robb's Radio Weblog]
It is great, but how about a REAL version of Radio on Linux?
5:12:31 PM
Organizer: 'Hackathon' Will Go On. An open-source programmer intends to host a gathering of coders in Canada next month, despite a decision by a U.S. military research agency to withdraw funding for the event. By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News]
I think it's really cool that this OpenBSD gathering will go on as planned. I was stunned by the news last week that the Defense Department pulled the plug on the U. Penn funding of OpenBSD. There's a blurb about it on the front page of the OpenBSD site.
8:21:43 AM
Using Hydra to collaboratively take notes (or just watch people take notes) is fun (and sometimes just funny). [Hack the Planet]
Really cool collaborative editor for the Mac. I especially like the idea of using it for XP Pair Programming.
8:15:17 AM
Browser Market Shares. I guess one of the best measures of browser market share would be on the (very good) Google Zeitgeist page, and what I see there matches my perception of the conventional wisdom. The really good news on that page is the erosion of the 4.* browsers into invisibility. But it's sure not what I'm seeing here on ongoing.... [ongoing]
8:11:30 AM
This introductory tutorial shows you how Lotus Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio can help you create a Web application that uses JSPs to access a Domino database.
Intriguing, no? Jeff has been tracking this. I wonder if the Notes developer is going away.
8:07:17 AM
© Copyright 2004 Tom Pierce.
Emacs Sources
This is an indentation function for SQL mode. It was written with Transact SQL in mind.
This is a simple function that adds folding-mode marks to SQL sources. It is quick and dirty, but is fairly useful for me.
This function removes all the line boundaries in a region. This, in effect, collapses all the lines in the region onto one line.
This function converts all the text that is camel cased in a particular region to underscore separated text.
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