Dubya : About Bush and related items (his wars). Impeach Bush.
Updated: 9/10/08; 12:34:57.


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Sunday, September 7, 2008

ICH: "It is time to get past the 'death and violence is the answer' mentality. We can not afford to let it continue.
The US government now confronts every minor inconvenience with brutality and force. With lies. With tricks. With deceit. With unrivaled hypocrisy. It speaks a scripted and rehearsed dialog of illogic and insults. It changes the meanings of words and uses those words as weapons to crush, to silence and oppress, to steal what it wants. This government no longer shows respect for anyone but itself and feels no compulsion to listen or cooperate, to show respect for others, or to care at all about right and wrong, truth or lies, justice or injustice."

Cheney is the personification of evil in American politics. He has been on a hate trip to former Soviet states and Israel. He probably saw the end of the American empire coming nearer and wanted to make sure he is doing everything possible to stir up hatred and war.
Cheney is the perfect example of the immoral modern man, who will do anything and use any tricks in his book (from Machiavelli to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, if you replace the hatred against Jews for the hatred against the rest of the world - but like the Protocols, the American policies are a complete hoax). Cheney knows the American empire is walking on its last legs, hence his urgency and brutality.

Haaretz: "The American vice president later reiterated these remarks in his address at the economic conference, saying that 'Russian arms dealing in the Middle East has endangered the prospects for peace and freedom in the region'."

ThisIsLondon: "Secret advice from a foreign power, thought to be America, helped to shape the dossier that said Saddam Hussein could attack within 45 minutes and set out the case for war in Iraq."

The US power game has been exposed and history will be a harsh judge of the violence, lies and cheats of the US regime. And if Obama wants a change he'll have to do better than continuing this old decaying system. America is on its way back, and no amount of violence will be able to stop this process. It already is a sign of weakness that the US has to go to such extremes to convince other nations of their might. Bit by bit the empire is taken apart.

TheNews: "In a major development, the federal government on Friday announced disconnection of supply lines to the allied forces stationed in Afghanistan through Pakistan in an apparent reaction to a ground attack on a border village in South Waziristan agency by the Nato forces.
Political authorities of the Khyber Agency claimed to have received verbal directives to immediately halt transportation of all kinds of goods meant for the US-led Nato forces in Afghanistan for an indefinite period."

Salon: "The title of Charles A. Kupchan's new book, 'The End of the American Era', sounds grim, but after a year of terrorist violence, 'spectacular' attack warnings and ominous analyses of fundamentalist Islam, his argument is almost refreshing. According to Kupchan, a professor of international relations at Georgetown University and a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, it isn't radical Islam that we should be most concerned about. It's our friends across the Atlantic, the European Union, that pose the greatest threat to American primacy."

Republic: "There is little doubt now that we are witnessing the death throes of the American empire. But this imminent collapse will not spell the end of the world. That's not to say a lot of damage won't occur as international order is reshuffled and the empire lashes out against its fate. Already, for example, the empire's leadership has spoken of a nuclear denouement to its short-lived (by imperial standards) story."

GlobalResearch: "We need to understand that we are at an early point of a new age of humanity. If enough people attain a sufficient degree of enlightenment - and it won't take that many - real change in social, economic, and political relations will follow, just as the flowers bloom in the spring."

AtlanticFreePress: "I see a growing number of Americans realizing that they actually have no choice at all. I listen to the fear mongers from both political parties screaming that a vote for a third party candidate will insure the victory of McCain or Obama, as if it really mattered between them whether it is McCain or Obama that sets up shop in the Oval Office. There are some that have been playing party politics for so long that they have failed to notice this. While the political operatives spin their stances on the economy, foreign policy, abortion and God, the people that see the big picture, the ones who see reality, watch the danse macabre in the background, ushering in global collapse and unending war.

The people that are running this country have no plan for the future. They have no answers, nor are they looking for any. The climate in the country is that the problems we have are so overwhelming, that they just aren't being addressed. The people are so involved in just trying to survive from day to day that any type of populist movement for change seems unlikely. Our rights have been stripped away from us and more of them are being abrogated with each passing day. The enemy in this government's 'Global War on Terror', if you look at the laws passed against them, has been the American people themselves. The American government can spy on us, torture us, deny us representation by legal consul, take our property and kidnap us, just by suspecting that we are terrorist sympathizers. This is dictatorship by innuendo."

The evil - a word the Bushites are so fond of - perpetrated by the US administrations will continue for some time, but the leaders in Europe and the rest of the world have already taken stock and made up their minds: America will sabotage any other nation that threatens to gain influence, including Europe. It's the world against the US (and its satellite Britain). The mainstream media haven't realized yet, but they will soon follow suit.
10:54:30 AM    

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