Dubya : About Bush and related items (his wars). Impeach Bush.
Updated: 9/10/08; 12:35:43.


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Saturday, September 20, 2008

A picture named Bush_to_Hague.jpg NATO's clown-in-chief Jaap de Hoop Scheffer is trying to humour Saakashvili and being a good lapdog to the US hawks. He is pathetic. He knows that Saakashvili is nothing but a tool in the hands of the Western imperialists to get Russia into submission.
NATO is no longer a defensive organisation, it's highly offensive and expansive, and is a part of the neo-imperialist new world order. It is in essence a fascist organisation that does not recognise the sovereign rights of other nations.
There is no excuse. At a moment when the chances for peaceful coexistence never have been so positive, NATO is heading the wrong way. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer is the shame of the Netherlands. By the way, the only reason why the Dutch governments were/are so happy to hop behind rogue elements like George W. Bush is that our leaders are eager to be rewarded with top jobs. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer is a lackey.

Anyway, if we are to believe the latest news about Georgia, Jaap is overstepping the mark. Saakashvili is a liability, he is a loose cannon on rolling deck. And being friends with a war criminal like George W. Bush does not make it better.
Regnum: "The American side intends to make the former speaker of the Georgian Parliament Nino Burjanadze or the permanent representative of Georgia to the UN Security Council Irakli Alasania the president of Georgia, declared Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the head of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) during a meeting with Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin. 'Our faction has information about it,' said Zhirinovsky.
According to the leader of LDPR, Irakli Alasania has been career employee of the CIA for 10 years and is pro-American and anti-Russian. 'They want to write off Saakashvili, these are their intentions,' underlined Zhirinovsky.
He stressed that representatives of the Georgian Diaspora from Russia have recently visited the US. They kept saying: 'It is enough, take Saakashvili away!' said Zhirinovsky."

Independent: "Nato needs to stop expanding, according to a leading British strategic think tank. The International Institute for Strategic Studies challenged the Nato secretary-general today by warning against embracing Georgia and Ukraine in the light of last month's Caucasus war.
'The policy of Nato enlargement now, we believe, would be a strategic error,' the head of the IISS , John Chipman, told journalists yesterday. Speaking at the launch of the organisation's annual review of world affairs, he criticised the 26-nation military alliance for viewing enlargement as an 'institutional priority' - 'as if riding a bicycle eastwards is necessary to keep the bicycle upwards'.

Russia's implacable opposition to Nato expansion on its borders, by absorbing former Warsaw Pact states, was a critical factor in last month's war with Georgia, which was prompted by the Georgian government's decision to attempt to gain control militarily of the breakaway region of South Ossetia."

And if we look at the killing of civilians in Afghanistan and elsewhere the NATO chief could be liable for war crimes.
AlterNet: "Ramped-up U.S. and NATO airstrikes in Afghanistan are causing an increased civilian death toll, raising concerns about the fallout from civilian deaths on the war effort against the Taliban insurgency, according to a major new report by Human Rights Watch (HRW) released here Monday.
The 43-page report, 'Troops in Contact: Airstrikes and Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan', warned that the cost in civilian casualties caused by the increase in bombings goes well beyond the loss of human life and could put the nearly seven-year U.S.-NATO war effort at risk."

The largest partner in NATO is the US, and we all know that the US is a rogue state. Which makes NATO an instrument in the rogue foreign policy of the US. The US does not recognise the rule of law.
HRW: "Human Rights First Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer Elisa Massimino today outlined concrete steps the United States must take in order to realize a return to the rule of law in two key areas:
(1) enforcing legal prohibitions on torture and other cruel and inhuman treatment of prisoners; and
(2) abandoning the failed experiment at Guantánamo in favor of the proven effectiveness of our federal criminal courts. These steps were presented in testimony delivered by Massimino to the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Property Rights of the Senate Judiciary Committee, in a hearing devoted to 'Restoring the Rule of Law'."

EC: "The fact that George W. Bush ordered and/or 'signed off' on that series of crimes called 911 can be proven in court. George W. Bush, therefore, must be prosecuted for the crimes of high treason, waging war upon the people of the US, and instances of mass murder in the US, Afghanistan, and Iraq. There is more than mere probable cause to bring those charges - there is a case that can be made now with official documentation available in the public record.
Much more will be revealed in a real investigation, as opposed to another 'whitewash' commission like that now literally dis-owned by the co-chairs of the 911 Commission. The question then is: what must be done to make the question of prosecutions an issue that must be addressed by the candidates? What must be done to take this issue to the media and on the internet?
Recently, speakers Vincent Bugliosi, author of 'Prosecuting George W. Bush For Murder', Colleen Costello, Human Rights USA, David Lindorff, and Journalist David Swanson raised the issues at the Robert H. Jackson conference.
Bush should be indicted for war crimes under US Codes.
Additionally, Bush may be prosecuted, as well, in international courts, in this case, the Hague for having abrogated US treaty obligations with respect to the conduct of war, i.e, war crimes."
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for murder.

FindLaw: "Vice President Dick Cheney's incredible and deadly lie: by deceiving a congressional leader, Cheney sent us to war on false pretenses and violated the separation of powers - as well as the Criminal Law."

By associating themselves with the rogue plans and intentions of war criminals like George W. Bush and Cheney, politicians like Gordon Brown, David Miliband and Jaap de Hoop Scheffer are making themselves liable for crimes committed abroad.
11:36:15 AM    

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