cipherblog : [...]
Updated: 4.4.2003; 8:45:22 Uhr.


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Donnerstag, 13. März 2003

"On Mac OS X, XPInstall has been disabled for 1.3. This means that extensions and themes will not install for Mozilla 1.3 on Mac OS X. (bug 181293)"
11:42:21 PM    comment [] Launches Mozilla 1.3. theBrownfury writes "Mozilla 1.3 is out and about. New to this version are features like image auto sizing, bayesian junk-mail filtering, dynamic profile ... [Slashdot]
10:37:20 PM    comment []

"The iPod is the king of portable music players, according to new dollar market share numbers obtained by The Mac Observer. During the fourth quarter of 2002, Apple's dollar market share reached 27 percent compared with 10 percent for second-ranked SONICBlue and its Rio players, according to market research firm NPDTechworld."
10:27:01 PM    comment []

"Over the course of the last several months, sources both on Wall Street and within Apple have pointed to building evidence that Apple is planning a change to its board of directors, considering taking on one or even two new members."
10:23:13 PM    comment []

Forty Percent of All Email is Spam. PCOL writes "There's an interesting article on spam in today's Washington Post which includes an inside look at AOL's spam control center in Northern Virginia. ... [Slashdot]
9:52:09 PM    comment []

Office 2003 and XML. zachlipton writes "Internet World is reporting that initial reports from Office 2003 beta testers don't look good for those hoping to share documents with ... [Slashdot]
9:51:38 PM    comment []

ATI announces Mobility Radeon 9600 graphics chip. ATI Technologies today unveiled the Mobility Radeon 9600 family of mobile visual processors today at a worldwide launch event at CeBIT in Germany... [ Up-to-the-Minute Apple Mac News]
Fuck battery life! I want a dual CPU 17" laptop with one of these cards!

9:45:56 PM    comment []

Apple takes fifth in January retail desktop sales. Bloomberg reports that Apple grabbed 3.8% of US desktop retail sales in January as ranked in dollar terms... [ Up-to-the-Minute Apple Mac News]
Ain't dead yet!

7:49:29 AM    comment []

NetNewsWire 1.0.1fc1. This final candidate release fixes a weblog editor bug with saving drafts and includes a couple other minor changes. (See the change notes.)

If there are no deal-stopper bugs, this will be released as NetNewsWire 1.0.1.

And then we’ll go back to fixing more bugs and adding new features. []
7:48:45 AM    comment []

Apple-Microsoft cold war turns hot, Jeff Adkins, The Lite Side. Situation quickly escalates as one-time partners take off the gloves and go for the jugular. [Low End Mac]
Quite amusing to read ...

12:16:22 AM    comment []

The Ultimate Lock-In. Microsoft Office 2003, which recently went into public beta, has the potential to tie customers to Microsoft products all the way down the line: desktop, productivity applications and server systems. [osOpinion]
12:14:14 AM    comment []

On-demand electronic software distribution comes to CompUSA. CompUSA and SoftwareToGo, in conjunction with the Apple Developer Connection (ADC), has launched a new program that gives ADC Premier and Select members the opportunity to have their products carried in CompUSA stores across the US -- regardless of whether the retailer currently stocks the shrink-wrapped product on the shelf or not -- via electronic software distribution kiosks... [ Up-to-the-Minute Apple Mac News]
12:13:51 AM    comment []

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