Thursday, August 14, 2003

Drawing the Line

One of the hardest tasks in developing new systems is knowing where to draw the line — include too much and you'll never finish, include too little and all you have is a toy. So I think that Joi is being a bit harsh in his guess that there were people who were voicing concerns who had more vision. The problem lies in separating the true visionaries from the false prophets. SMTP and IPv4 have had a pretty good run over the past few decades — not too bad for what were essentially 0.x releases.

Now if Joi wants to throw some brickbats at those who deny that there is a problem or those who stand in the way of improvement while waiting for a perfect solution, then the line forms behind me.

Fab 5

It comes as a complete surprise, but Queer Eye for the Straight Guy has earned a spot on my weekly viewing schedule. The prospect of watching 5 gay guys (the Fab 5) make over a straight guy didn't resonate with me at first. But I gave it a try based upon good reviews from friends and now I'm hooked.

Now, the initial visit to the bachelor digs with the requisite snide deconstruction of the wardrobe and decor has gotten old. But the show picks up once the Fab 5 start reconstructing — a product placement nirvana. And watching the big event with the Fab 5 in the peanut gallery is a hoot.

A new entry on my list of guilty pleasures. Of course, as a Tri-State resident, the real guilty pleasure is daydreaming about what they could do with me.