I've had a few questions on this since JDeveloper 10.1.3 went production, so it seemed a worthwhile blog topic. If you have applications built using the BC4J DataTags, like the 9.0.3 version of the BC4J Toy Store Demo was for example, then I recommend that you read this document that outlines the steps to migrate an application using BC4J DataTags to 10.1.3.
The executive summary is that you need to first upgrade it to the JDeveloper 10.1.2 version, then migrate it to 10.1.3, and the application should run without changes. Do read the whole section on it the Deprecated Features document, since it also tries to set expectations about the 10.1.3 design time support you should expect for the BC4J Data Tags for existing, migrated applications.
7:21:49 PM