After reading my recent blog entry about the JDeveloper event profiler, a reader wrote in to ask about the roadmap for the JDeveloper profilers. He correctly noted that in JDeveloper 10.1.3 and before, the built-in local and remote profiling tools depend on using the Oracle JVM, an instrumented Java virtual machine created by Oracle and shipped with JDeveloper on Windows. He rightly pointed out that our profiling features are today only available on Windows due to their dependence on this Oracle JVM which itself only exists for Windows, and wanted to know what our roadmap is for supporting the profiling features on other platforms in the future.
The executive summary is that for the next major release, JDeveloper 11g, we are reimplementing our profiling features on top of the new JVM Tool Interface provided by Sun. Apparently this API didn't exist when we first added the profiling features to the product, but has since been developed in a collaboration between Sun and various Java tools vendors like Oracle and others. This will allow them to work on any platform. In addition, it will mean that Oracle can get out of the business of maintaining and shipping our own JVM solely for the purpose of richer profiling functionality.
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