Updated: 3/28/2005; 11:24:59 AM.
Erik Neu's weblog. Focus on current news and political topics, and general-interest Information Technology topics. Some specific topics of interest: Words & Language, everyday economics, requirements engineering, extreme programming, Minnesota, bicycling, refactoring, traffic planning & analysis, Miles Davis, software useability, weblogs, nature vs. nurture, antibiotics, Social Security, tax policy, school choice, student tracking by ability, twins, short-track speed skating, table tennis, great sports stories, PBS, NPR, web search strategies, mortgage industry, mortgage-backed securities, MBTI, Myers-Briggs, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, RPI, Phi Sigma Kappa, digital video, nurtured heart.

Thursday, September 16, 2004
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Is there a word for the situation where you accidentally type a homonym? E.g., "I took there place". I'm thinking of the case where the person committing the error clearly knows better, but just doesn't catch it. Typo doesn't quite work, because that, to me, denotes a slip of the fingers on the keyboard. This case is more of a mental slip (though deep-down, I wouldn't be surprised if there were some relationship to the interaction of mind and fingers; in other words, are these mistakes as common in handwriting?). Until I hear a better suggestion, I am gonig to call these Mental Typos.

Or, how about "there-theirs"?

1:50:58 PM    comment []
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The recently used file list in MS Office apps is very convenient. For the life of me, I don't understand why the default remains at 4. I mean, why wouldn't I want to see the last 9 (the max). This is something I have to change, in every Office app, every time I get a new PC or new version of Office. Along with the idiotic personalized menus While we are on the subject of Last Files, why limit it to 9? I would like to see the last 100, at least. Preferably with date opened. Sort of like the History feature in IE.
12:08:48 PM    comment []

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