STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
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Sunday, December 07, 2003

So where do the international officers stand?
by Roger Griffeth

Today we are looking at the fact that our UTU International President has been indicted by a federal grand jury for numerous felony counts and that there is a real possibility, with the information provided by one of his most trusted conspirators, that he, as well as others, is going to be found guilty of many of those counts. Now, the question keeps popping-up – "Where do the international officers stand"? More specifically, what are they doing to comply with their fiduciary responsibilities and ensure the future well being of the UTU?

Questions the members want to know are: Who is paying for the legal expenses of these characters? Will the UTU be reimbursed for any monies spent trying to hide the truth from the government? What position is the Board of Directors taking regarding the current management of the UTU and why are they not addressing these issues in the UTU News?

One question that has already been addressed to the Board of Directors is the issue of Boyd’s leadership status and his salary. On September 20, 2003, Lance Ruck, a veteran delegate from UTU Local 1571, requested that Paul Thompson, Assistant President of the UTU, present the Board of Directors with a proposition that would place Boyd on paid administrative leave until the pending indictments were finally determined. The request was reasonable, after all, considering the circumstances it is likely that Boyd will be spending a large amount of his time and possibly the members’ money, defending against the allegations against him, and little of his time working for the benefit of the membership.

As usual, Assistant President Thompson didn’t agree with Ruck and dismissed Ruck’s request citing Article 17 of the UTU which does not confer upon the Assistant President the "right" to call an emergency meeting of the Board of Directors. Thompson explained to Ruck that Boyd had already stated that there was no basis for the allegations in the indictments. Futher, that Boyd had made changes in the legal counsel program to "try" and prohibit any and all improprieties. Thompson also explained to Ruck that the indictments have noting to do with our union.

Thompson stated that the issues involving the Houston indictments dealt with Designated Legal Counsel, how they were appointed and the Federal Employees Liability Act. Funny, everyone else seems to think the indictment dealt with Boyd, Little, Dennis, Rookard taking money from UTU Designated Legal Counsel in return for being designated. As far as I know, no attorneys have been indicited.

Addressing Thompson’s remarks, forget about Article 17 no time to start worrying about the language or any other provision of the UTU Constitution, forget the "Emergency Session" issue raised by Ruck. The Assistant President has the right and without question the responsibility to bring any issue before the Board of Directors in or out of session, especially an issue as important as the one that Ruck requested, I’ve done it before, and so has Thompson, and other members of the Board that I served with during the 1995 – 1999 term. True, most of the issues raised by Board members were how to deal with me, and my opposition to Little’s administration, but none the less the Board can not only address these types of issues, but they can address any concern raised by the membership.

For Thompson to contend that it was not his duty under Article 17 of the Constitution to bring this matter before the Board of Directors, was a slap in the face to all members of the UTU and a possible violation of his fiduciary responsibility as an officer of the union and a member of the Board of Directors – shame on you Paul Thompson.

Since the date of the letters exchanged between Ruck and Thompson, the Justice Department tells us that Ralph Dennis has pleaded guilty to the charges against him – now the question being asked: does Ralph’s testimony constitute evidence? Since Ruck put a responsible International Officer on notice, since a member of the UTU Board of Directors does have fiduciary responsibilities to the membership, I agree, as I usually do with Brother Ruck, Thompson and as-well-as any other member of the Board of Directors should act in concert to protect the diverse interests of the membership.

Both letters can be found by clicking on this link to the The El Paso Express Web Site

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