STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:26:08 PM.




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Monday, January 05, 2004

Brother R.D.Jones still has his UPSASU website up at
The unfortunate death of San Antonio brother Jody Herstine has affected everyone working that terminal and many of us working elsewhere. RD has posted various correspondence he and others have had with the FRA concerning this tragedy at
There are also some moving comments on Jody's life and death and his communities response to it.
One significant question raised about FRA and their "revised" mission certainly applies to the problem of subversion of regulatory agencies in general. They have passed from becoming industry watchdogs charged with protecting the interests of workers and the public, to industry lapdogs committed to helping implement any program or technology that will result in increased profits for corporations. Same can be said about our labor organizations. Don't look for this to change even with a probable Regime Change in Washington next November. It's time for The People to rise up and take back their unions and their government.

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Reform Item #2 - From Roger Griffeth's Reform It! website. The speech he was not able to give in 1999.

For the past few days I've been looking through some of the old boxes of records I kept after leaving the International.
If you have been reading the correspondence relative to the Indictments, you might remember that GS&T Johnson requested information that would "support my allegations" that Boyd had violated his fiduciary responsibilities.
Like many of you, when trying to find something, you end up getting distracted by something else. Well, I did. What caught my eye was a copy of the "Speech" I intended to give at the International Convention in 1999 when I ran for International President.
When I drafted the document, I had incorrectly anticipated that the delegates would be interested in hearing about how their union was managed by Little and Boyd from 1995 thru 1999. I didn’t think that allowing a candidate 15 minutes or so to deliver his/her speech was too much to expect, but, apparently it was.
The delegates, if I remember correctly, only wanted to hear 3 minutes worth of solicitations for support. And, that’s what they got.
One of the problems with our UTU Constitution is that "speech making" is not protected. I for one think that the Constitution should allow candidates at a minimum of 30 minutes to present their case to the delegates, with a follow-up of questions and answers.  After all, we are talking about the highest office in the union. If you are keeping track of the reform items on this web site, mark this one as Reform Item #2.
Oh well, it’s 2004, a lot of things have happened since 1999, but I still got this wonderful speech that needs to be archived somewhere for future generations, and, you guessed it, what better place than this web site.
So without further adieu, here is the speech I intended to give at the 1999 Convention.

Click Here To View "Da Speech"

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