STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:26:32 PM.




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Thursday, January 15, 2004

Dear RRESQ Supporters.
Attached for your information is a Bulletin that RRESQ is sending to every "Partner for Railroad Safety".  That is every City and County Council member who participated in a Resolution for Remote Control Locomotives.  Many people continue to ask why RRESQ is involved with this issue.  We want to reiterate that RCL can be directly linked with Railroad Worker Fatigue and many safety issues on the railroad.  It all has a domino effect.  RCL has caught the public's interest and we will work to bring safety reform through this forum and try to ensure that fatigue does not go unaddressed with this issue.
Secondly.  Last year a new player (Charles Nutter) stepped up to the plate and started a petition on fatigue.  Many of you signed the petition which is posted out on the internet. After the first couple of weeks of communication between Mr. Nutter and RRESQ, Mr. Nutter dropped out of site.  He has not responded to email or phone messages.  His website "" has not been attended to for several months.  However, RRESQ has pulled all the signatures on this petition off the internet and we will proceed to file this petition in Washington as planned.  If anyone has any information on Mr. Nutter, we would be happy to hear from him. 
Thanks to all the individuals out there who contributed time to do research for the enclosed bulletin, and those who allowed us to publish printed information.  We need help to keep these issues in the public forefront and get the carriers "Back on Track"....

Thank you for your continued support,


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