STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:27:52 PM.




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Monday, January 26, 2004

UTU Executive Board sets date for trials

By Roger Griffeth, Editor

The UTU Executive Board has decided to proceed with trails against Byron Boyd, UTU International President, and Dan Johnson, General Secretary and Treasurer.

Under corresponded dated January 23, 2004, Jim Huston, UTU Executive Board Chairman, announced that the Executive Board members had reviewed the charges made against Boyd and Johnson, reviewed the responses from both parties, and decided that trials for both Boyd and Johnson were in order.

Johnson’s trial is scheduled to begin on February 23, 2004 at 9:00 am. Boyd’s trial is scheduled to begin on February 24, 2004, at 9:00 am. Both trials will be conducted at UTU headquarters in Cleveland.

The Executive Board decided not to bring charges against Canadian Vice President Scarrow due to Scarrow's retirement. 

Review Charges Against Boyd and Johnson

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Judge denies Boyd's motion to continue trial date. 

By Roger Griffeth, Editor REFORM IT 2004 

January 21, 2004, Houston Texas.  The joint motion made by the accused leader of the "UTU Enterprise", Byron A. Boyd and his accused bagman John Rookard, to postpone their trial date, has been denied in an order issued by Judge Sim Lake. The trial date is set for March 22, 2004

On the UTU Web Site, Boyd, acting quickly to announce Little's guilt, was quoted by his "UTU Editors" as saying:

"Boyd said he is innocent of the charges and has every intention to pursue this matter to a final and full conclusion that completely exonerates me."

Boyd, who also servers as the President of the UTU Insurance Association, has admitted to using the policyholder assets of the Insurance Association to pay his and Rookard's attorney fees. 

As a condition of his release, Boyd remains under the restriction of the "20 ft. rule" in conducting his union activities with certain individuals.  On January 20, 2004, Boyd was granted an exception from this restriction to attend the final stage of his son's induction into the Order of the Masons in Seattle, Washington. 

Of the top three UTU international officers  serving between the years 1995 - 1999, all "except one" have been indicted by the federal government for embezzlement, mail fraud, racketeering, and a lot of other criminal activity. 

The decision made by Judge Lake brings the "due process" phase of Boyd's criminal rights closer to an end.

Boyd, is the accused leader of the "UTU Enterprise" representing an undetermined number of criminal types, both know and yet to be discovered, in the United States and possibly Canada.

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Former union official pleads guilty to labor racketeering

Charles Little, 69, of Leander, Texas, faces up to 20 years in prison and a fine of $250,000 when he is sentenced by U.S. District Judge Sim Lake on April 9. In addition, he will forfeit $100,000, which the government says he received though illegal activity.

Little and three others were indicted by a grand jury last September on charges of conspiring to violate federal mail and wire fraud statutes and interstate transportation in aid of racketeering through commercial state bribery.

Also indicted were union President Byron Boyd Jr., 57, of Seattle; former union director of insurance Ralph Dennis, 51, of Boone, Iowa; and special assistant to Boyd, John Rookard, 57, of Olalla, Wash.

In October, Dennis also pleaded guilty to labor racketeering.

The FBI and the Labor Department began investigating the Cleveland-based union in 1999.

In court on Friday, Little admitted that while president from 1995 to 2001, he and other union officials at his request took cash payments and other things of value from attorneys doing business with the union. Little said he used the money to fund his campaigns and for his personal use.

"This conviction is a significant step toward seeking justice for the many honest and hard working members of the UTU," Shelby said. "Union officials who abuse their authority through bribery and greed will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

Boyd and Rookard are scheduled to go to trial March 22.

Officials with the United Transportation Union could not immediately be reached for comment on Saturday.

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