STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:38:20 PM.




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Tuesday, August 10, 2004

UTU, in the newfound spirit of union democracy, is soliciting suggestions for the next round of negotiations. What would you like to see in a contract?

Section 6 proposals due by Sept. 10

The July-August issue of UTU News requested that members submit items for consideration in formulating the Nov. 1, 2004, "Section 6 Notices" that will begin the next round of collective bargaining with railroads negotiating under the umbrella of the National Carriers' Conference Committee (NCCC).

Items for consideration should be sent either to general chairpersons or to International President Paul Thompson. If sent to President Thompson, they should be sent in one of two ways:

By U.S. Postal Service to:

Paul C. Thompson
International President
United Transportation Union
14600 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland OH 44107-4250

By e-mail to:  

Brother Webb has a few suggestions for IP Thompson:

Here's my 10 item wish list:   
#1. Job Security---Trainmen's position/crew consist agreements must be maintained.
#2. Maintain Current Health and Welfare--No additional cost to employee.
#3. Tie-up Rule-- Road crews at home terminal option 24 hour tie-up, no penalties.
#4. Wages---National overtime divisor after 8 hours no matter what the miles run.
#5. General Wage Increases---Each year, no lump sums or stock options.
#6. Cost of Living Increases---100% every 6 months (not 50%, not off again-on again).
#7. Five Day Week, Road Crews--Overtime starts past 5 day week equivalent, all jobs.        
#8. Holiday Pay for Road Crews--In addition to personal leave days.
#9. Continuous HAHT at AFHT--As now plus when tied up at AFHT second time.
#10. AFHT Meal Allowance $10.00--Increase to $12.00 mid 2007.


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