STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:45:44 PM.




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Saturday, April 02, 2005

Labor's friend, Eric Lee, talks about the value of books to working stiffs. He mentions "Wobblies: A Graphic History," published to celebrate 100 years of the IWW.


I don't know about you, but I find it odd that every time some
billionaire decides to write a book it becomes a best-seller, but I
can't remember the last time that a book by or about trade unionists got

Books by and for businessmen are so successful that there are publishing
houses, bookshops and even book clubs that sell nothing but these kinds
of books.

It's not because there aren't great books around for trade unionists.
As I was searching through what people buy from our online bookstore, I
was tempted myself by a whole lot of new and old titles.  I mean, which
trade unionist wouldn't want a copy of "Confessions of a Union Buster"
by Martin Jay Levitt or "Labor's Untold Story" by Richard O. Boyer and
Herbert M. Morais?  And then there's the brand new "Wobblies: A Graphic
History," published to celebrate 100 years of the IWW.  Click on this
link for more about that book:;

Anyway, I've been thinking about why it is that we trade unionists are
not as successful as we could be in creating a huge market among our
millions of members for books about our movement.

I did a bit of research and found one union selling a whole range of
products on its website -- clocks, watches, glassware, hats -- but not a
single book.  Or another union which does sell books, and invites its
members to purchase books from a unionized bookshop, but doesn't bother
to recommend even a single title.

I've written a column about all this which you might find interesting --
and you're invited to post comments, too:

Finally, don't forget: with May Day only a month away, you should be
buying your gifts today for fellow workers at Labour's Online Bookstore:

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Mangagement employee health plans have included coverage for contraceptives while contract employee plans have not.

31 March 2005, 8:29pm ET

OMAHA, Neb.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 31, 2005--

Legal Precedent Already Exists in Favor of Plaintiffs with Erickson V. Bartell Drug Co.

Two female plaintiffs, one from Missouri and another from Idaho, won an important preliminary victory late today when the U.S. District Court for the District of Nebraska granted plaintiffs' motion for multi-state class action status in the Union Pacific Railroad Employment Practices Litigation. The ruling makes this the first case for prescription contraception coverage to be certified as a federal multi-state class action.

The plaintiffs are current and former Union Pacific employees who allege Union Pacific's decision to exclude prescription contraception coverage in its health plans for unionized employees is sex discrimination in violation of Title VII of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII is the nation's foremost law against race and sex discrimination in employment.


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