STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:46:01 PM.




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Thursday, April 07, 2005

With all due respect to the victims at CMS who are suffering from outsourcing and new technology too, there is an element of truth to the following which was submitted by Brother Ballast Boss. Our own latest encounter is a case in point as we were suspected of wilfully failing to show up for work and placed into Evading Assignment status even though we had dutifully layed off. Does anyone know the author of this gem?

(verse in the style of rails for a century)

There are strange moves made in a boxcar's shade
By those who switch the lead
The rusted rails have their many tales
Whose repeating is a switchman's creed
Their lantern lights have revealed foul sights
But the worst they all confess
Is that empire run and unanswerable to none
By those scoundrels in CMS

On new year's day I was working my way
Through a variety of holiday cheer
My job was annulled and my senses were dulled
When a ringing I began to hear
Because of the drink I didn't think
And I carelessly picked up the phone
"Hullo" I said then immediate dread
As I heard the callers tone

"I haven't a crew so I'm calling you
"As a conductor on the hill
"You'll take the call or I'll report y'all
"So answer that you will
"Should you refuse then I'll accuse
"You of missing a call you see
"And I'm afraid there'll be UPGRADE
"And your already on level three

I stammered and stuttered, then slowly muttered
As I broke into an icy sweat
"Ya got it wrong pard, I work in the yard,
"But this call I'm willing to forget"
"As you damn well know, I don't have to go
"I'm not on the extra board
Then I held my breath for I was scared to death
As I waited for his retort

"Your job's on the line, your ass is mine"
There was evil in his voice
"You'll report when I say or they'll be hell to pay
"You really don't have a choice.
My vision went red when next I said
"I am not taking any call.
"You ignorant f_ck, don't press your luck
And the cord I yanked from the wall

A week I waited, my fears abated
I thought that the incident died
Then checking the mail I felt my heart fail
As I a U. P. Letter I spied
My stomach churned and the letter burned
My hands as I looked inside
I became sick with dread as I slowly read
"You are hereby notified . . . "

The union pleaded that my case be ceded
As the griever told me what he'd do
"Don't worry kid, we'll put a lid
"On this thing in a day or two
"I'll talk to the man and do what I can
"To put the kabash to this"
"My only fear is if I hear
"That this charge came from CMS"

His fear was confirmed as he soon learned
CMS was behind this evil plot
To punish my ass for having the brass
To give'm what they got.
Level four was proposed, but I was opposed
To waive my right to a hearing
"I'm right and I know it, what's more I can show it"
This unjustness had me searing

The hearing day came and the accused was framed
As the kangaroo court commenced
The griever was outstanding in always demmanding
They proove all the evidence
"The tapes" he commanded "should all be handed
"Over for confirmation
"As they would display to those here today
"The accused's innocent affirmation"

"The caller also should be here to show
"His part in this grisly mess
"If he was here right now we would show how
"The fault is with CMS"
The hearing officer snorted before he retorted
"Your request is respectfully denied"
"Let the record reflect, that we object!"
My layman lawyer cried

Our pleas unheeded, the hearing proceeded
Justice was defiled.
It was finally done, my senses were numb
Now to wait the results of the trial.
"Its always the same" my griever complained.
"For those who live by the sword
"That hearing wasn't fair, but this I'll swear
"We'll win this at the board"

Back to work I went, my feelings spent
While I awaited the final decision
Three weeks went by 'fore the letter arrived
Outlining the super's position
I couldn't wait to reveal my fate
So the envelope I carefully tore
And there in bold, the last line told
"You are upgraded to level four"

I know out there is a company somewhere
Where discipline doesn't exist
Where respect is given and employees aren't driven
By things that make them pissed
But the culture here is intimidation and fear
And to this I can attest
You will surely lose if you ever chose
to cross those scoundrels in CMS

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