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The Raven Banner

April 2003
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 Sunday, April 20, 2003

The Raven Banner Flag Well, I finally did it .... I missed a day in my blog! Oh well, as we are heading off to the Our Meadhall Moot this coming Thursday, it had to happen sooner or later. But yesterday was just too busy to do anything.

Ravenswood held it's Walburga celebration at our stead. It was the first time the kin had gathered here, and we had a great time. My daughter Hilary and her kids arrived on Thursady for an extended visit, and that just added to the "business" [perhaps I should spell that "busyness"?].

Late Friday afternoon UPS delievered a long awaited package. I had fixed up the flag pole in the front yard and had been flying the Stars and Stripes for a week. The package was a second flag - the Raven Banner from the Broward Flag and Banner Co., and it was flying for Walburga yesterday evening.

I'm sure I have some more to post - I'm on vacation this week and have some thoughts to share about a variety of subjects. So ... more to come!
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