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April 2003
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 Thursday, April 24, 2003

Well, it's only 12:45, but I'm off to the Moot tomorrow, so I think I'm gonna turn in early. This'll be my last entry until Sunday, when, gods willing, I'll give my first impressions of what promises to be a great weekend.

In attendence at this Moot will be two guys I've wanted to meet for years - Steve McNallen of the AFA and Valgard Murry of the Arizona Kindred and Worldtree, finest seller of Asatru related jewelry, books, etc. on the planet. McNallen basically started the modern revival in North America, and Valgard has been around since the beginning as well. I've corresponded with each, but our paths have never crossed physically. So am I excited? Sure.

That, and Hilary's going with us! She's never been to a national Moot before - she did make a couple of the Indiana gatherings, but nothing on this scale. I certainly hope she has a good time.

So, I'll be back on Sun's Day evening and let you know how it went.
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