
Sexy Magick

where magick happens

a kiss :-* upon the secret winds of Isis Wynn


Artwork © Jessica Galbreth www.enchanted-art.com




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Saturday, August 23, 2008

this night owl has been getting up at 7.30 every morning and going to bed at 9-10pm most nights...is this how normal people are? I feel like I'm missing valuable working time from 10pm-2am except I'm exhausted by 10pm. Who knows maybe this will become the norm for me at some point, still not sure about that...
5:22:46 PM    comment [] trackback []

Zyriana gave me an award and when I have a chance to pursue it further, I'll post the details but for now check it out here

And I love her new design, I'm thinking maybe Sexy Magick needs another face lift - something not so dark, lighten up Sexy Magick a little, only wish I had more time to play with design ideas...


5:16:40 PM    comment [] trackback []

i was kind of feeling like my karma had disappeared for alot of reasons, that thing that happens when I walk into an empty store and then 3 more people come in after me - it happens alot, I swear sometimes I just want to be in the store alone but its always happened and yet lately it just hasn't been happening. And lotto tickets, I buy them occasionally, I never win. Or that stupid conversation about someone shaving their head and ending up with whatever why do you care? Or when I was in a playful mood, he wasn't. Just seemed to be how my day/week was going, I just off somehow my karma or my energy levels, too much too do and not enough time to take a moment to enjoy, I suppose, the phone constantly ringing and what people don't understand - its tax time, especially when your CPA always files extensions - April 15th isn't any big rush for me except for the few personal taxes I do. The big rush is Sept 15th for corporations and October 15th for personal/sole people and then there is those few people who fiscal year ends in June but I digress, where was I? Oh yea, my karma or energy was off until yesterday.....

I walked into an empty store and not only did 3 people come in after me, at least 7 more people came in. The lotto ticket, I actually won 3 dollars, I'm amazed. And today I had plans to go out and find found objects to incorporate into my table but I'm not bothered by the fact, that I actually spent most of the day working. Its just how it is. Omg, its already 5pm where did the time go?

Maybe I need to talk to my friends too, I've been feeling kind of lonely, I miss my friends. It is hard when they are two separate entites yet married to one another but I miss them separately. Stop being strangers - come see me.

That stupid phone conversation - why do I care and why is it bugging me? Well first, I'd already said have a good weekend and let it go at that and then he texted me an hour later, fuck if you didn't want to talk to me, why did you text me? And when I ask whatcha doing? If you didn't want to respond to me, why did you? I've texted him back before and he hasn't responded. And because why can't I care or have an opinion? And honestly, I like him with long hair - one of the first things I noticed about him. However if he wants to shave it all off - whatever, do it, you don't need my permission, you're a big boy.

And I connected with so many lost souls on linked in - people I haven't heard or talked too in forever...yesterday and today have been good energy days...

So anyways, my energy or karma is back, I've gotta remember relax, let the magick happen. It will, just need not try so hard and reach out too.

5:11:54 PM    comment [] trackback []

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© Copyright 2008 Julie Wiggins.
Last update: 9/12/2008; 7:57:32 PM.

Artwork © Jessica Galbreth www.enchanted-art.com
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