Friday, February 27, 2004
Amy Warner's advanced metadata and taxonomy presentation was fantastic even though I had to leave early - I had a "my brain is full" episode. She covered the fine points of recognition vs recall, specificity, recall vs precision, and other advanced topics and techniques. Once my head clears I will try to remember to post more notes.
5:32:34 PM  #  
The first Friday (preconference) session is Amy Warner's presentation on Metadata and Taxonomy design. Even though she is covering some basic concepts It was worthwhile to get a baseline for the advanced session later this afternoon and she has also woven some good advice into her presentation.

Some of the key ideas that I want to explore further are:

  • you might need separate controlled vocabularies for navigation and search
  • a controlled vocabulary for browsing categories includes a blend of strict hierarchical relationships and select associative relationships, whereas a controlled vocabulary for search may be more restricted to broader term/narrower term relationships.

11:23:35 AM  #  
Another year another Summit. This year we are the gathering is in Austin and unlike past years I am here with a group. With the switch from IKON to Vanguard I have gone from a solo act to a part of a team.

As the IA Summit progresses I will post observations and notes.

Oh, and by the way, I am presenting this year. Richard Dalton and I are presenting the work we have done on Navigation.

More to come!
11:14:49 AM  #