Saturday, February 28, 2004
Well, its over! The presentation that Richard Dalton and I delivered on navigation went over realy well. We got great compliments from a whole lot of folks.

I am decompressing at the moment so there will be more on this soon.
4:48:10 PM  #  

Saturday morning at the IA Summit. The first two presentations were awesome! The first was a panel entitled "Taxonomies, Controlled Vocabularies, and Ontologies" with Amy Warner, Katherine Bertolucci, and Kathryn Lewellen. Each of them have deep experience with the topic and each made a great mini presentation.

Some of the quotes in Katherine Bertolucci's presentation really stood out for me:

"The way we order represents the way we think."

- and -

"Clasifications bot reflect and direct our thinking."

Each of these quotes came from Stephen J. Gould - wow.

The whole idea is that taxonomies help us with retrieval but they also help us understand a particular semantic domain and finally they help us to discover new ideas. The other major idea I came away with is that when we create controlled vocabularies they need to reflect the needs of the client as well as the way the client thinks. In short we should serve our clients.

The second presentation I attended was "Making Personas More Powerful" by George Olsen. It was deep and dense and I am still processing so more on that later.
2:27:31 PM  #