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Wednesday, April 07, 2004
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Aaron adds to my mixed bag 'o metaphors 'n similies on the subject of whether students are blogging and not and the potential (or not) of personal publishing:

"Surfing?  How about being led around like sheep or coerced like convicts in a prison yard?  They're told what to learn, how and when to learn it.  And can we even call it learning when it is so assessment driven...

If students come to surf through an institution, maybe we can make the kind of waves that'll take 'em on a wild ride and learn what surfing is really all about." [apcampbell News]

Good post which helps bring us back to earth around the simple point that you can give a dog a blog but you can't make it type [surely I win with that one - JF ;o)]

9:54:46 PM    comments   trackback

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Would've put this in the comments at Kairos if it weren't so darn hard...

"The libraries at the University of Minnesota have just gone live with UThink, a big blogging initiative. Every student, faculty member, and staff member will be able to have as many blogs as he or she wants. I've spoken to Shane Nackerud, the librarian who's heading up the initiative, and he hopes it will be pretty big, as in students will be able to comment on campus life in such a way that the blogs might compete with or even supplant the school newspaper. Also, instructors will be able to use the system to create community blogs, students will be able to start community blogs for group projects, clubs, sororities/fraternities and organizations will be able to have community blogs, etc." [Kairosnews]

This sounds great and they're probably already doing this but just in case they aren't...

  • Just plopping a facility there is no guarantee you'll add anything whatsoever... remember that you can already get a free blog with ease!
  • I reckon there needs to be a 'facilitative role' played by the library / university / whoever... a simple example would be the creation of a relevant community in Orkut which people could join. I'm part of the Melbourne Blogs ring... you are sooooo going to need a UoM equivalent.
  • In terms of using these for teaching and learning there are a ton of things that are worth considering from whether they fit the pedagogical approaches within your institution to whether people are 'ready' or 'trained' to use them.

Now... don't get me wrong, I think this is excellent and I'm very happy to see a library providing this facility (although I'd be interested in Jenny's (who's on holiday - bah ;o) or Stephen's views on library involvement in this kind of thing) but... and am I becoming a cynic here???... flinging this stuff out there without, say, a Winer to spend your Thursdays with, could be a recipe for, um, nothing?

9:43:08 PM    comments   trackback

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Straightoutta Singapore... this looks like a nice new elearning / edublog from Anol Battacharya, here's the feed and here's a nice sampler:

"A footnote here. The hyperlinking structure of the web has influenced my conversation style big time (in a positive way). I can feel it. Now I tend to branch my conversation from point to point, contextualize them, open a new thread as the main route or a detour (open a new window!) and still am able to trackback to my original topic – much better than before." [soulsoup]

9:19:27 PM    comments   trackback

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Derek Powazek (according to share your OPML I'm the only one subscribed to this feed of his... there's a lotta people missing out out there!) waxes lyrical on the beauty of movable type in empowering clients in web design... perhaps it time I started figuring this out... I think so.

I know Lindon's doing some cool stuff with it in a University context... is it the answer?

(um, what was the question?)

There's also an ace DP post on the daily Kos, politics (in a way) blogging in context and design. Read on!

5:29:44 PM    comments   trackback

Untitled Document

Second in an excellent series of articles from Commoncraft on the concept of 'stocks' and 'flows' (here's the first one) basically (from the first article):

"Flow: Information flows to the user; timely, emergent and engaging

Information exists at a specific location, static, archived and organized for reference.

sfchart.gif" [commoncraft]

In this second article he argues that weblogs are flows but wikis are stocks.. but whatabout wikis and RSS? I do like this quote though:

"Wikis stock the weblog world’s flow." [commoncraft]

and am looking forward to installment number three!

5:16:07 PM    comments   trackback

Nothing to do with the great civil rights leader, James Farmer, but here are some links that are:

Greensboro sit-ins
Family (with pictures)


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