Updated: 12/24/2004; 10:45:04 AM.
Hand Forged Vessels
A woman blacksmith's journey to creative power, learning how to increase psychic energy, use dream interpretation, learning to work freely and fully - making hand forged vessels, hand-made paper bowls, tree spirits art, mixed media vessels. Categories include quotes on creativity, blacksmith training, and living a simple life in the woods. New category: DVD and video reviews. (So much for the simple life.)

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Thinking today about what's at stake for the next four years, I think these are the most vulnerable points:

  • the environment - wilderness areas, endangered species, clean air, clean water, protection from toxic chemicals overall, slowing of global warming.
  • civil liberties - freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to gather peacefully, privacy, freedom of information - that is, access to the truth of what the government is doing.

There are plenty of other things - the war, the deficit, the taking away of programs that help children in order to give tax breaks to people in the top income brackets. There are the "corporate welfare" programs. But I think these things - even the deficit - can eventually be reversed. It could take years, but America is still strong.

I'm less sure that damage to the environment can be reversed. Global warming is already inevitable; it's just a matter of how fast and how much. Once a species is gone, it's gone. Once groundwater is toxic, it's toxic. So I think this is the area in which I need to become most vigilant.

Even civil liberties once lost, can conceivably be regained. The Patriot Act is a law that can be changed. States can change their constitutions. Even the Supreme Court judges appointed in the next four years will eventually face their mortality and be replaced.

But wilderness? Habitat and migration corridors? Clean air and water? These are much more difficult to reclaim.

That's my thinking, the day after the 2004 election. Others will have different priorities, some of which will be directly opposed to mine. That's all right too. Despite four years of Bush presidency, we still have the right to differ and to speak our differences.

Well, I have to amend that a bit. During the last four years, many scientific study results have been suppressed. I should say that we still have SOME freedom of speech.

To this freedom, let's have a toast - of clear clean water.

10:28:08 PM    comment []

Canada is opening its heart to American liberals. See this site, Marry an American, for matchmaking opportunities to assist Americans in emigrating to Canada. Maybe other countries will offer similar assistance. (Then again, maybe not.)

Remember the late sixties and early seventies, when so many of us contemplated emigrating to Canada or New Zealand? New Zealand, especially, looked like the Promised Land. I wonder what happened to those who actually went.

By the way, I found the Marry an American site this morning from my bloglet subscription to another weblog, ladida. I enjoy this blog a great deal.

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10:07:21 PM    comment []

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