Updated: 12/24/2004; 5:43:17 PM.
Hand Forged Vessels
A woman blacksmith's journey to creative power, learning how to increase psychic energy, use dream interpretation, learning to work freely and fully - making hand forged vessels, hand-made paper bowls, tree spirits art, mixed media vessels. Categories include quotes on creativity, blacksmith training, and living a simple life in the woods. New category: DVD and video reviews. (So much for the simple life.)

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Yesterday was another personal holiday: Darkness Restored. On that day, years ago our closest neighbors turned off their security light. They did so in response to a letter I wrote, pleading them to do so.

After they turned it off, darkness was restored. At night I could see stars again. My bed was lit only by the changing cycle of the moonlight. It was as if I lived again in nature - not in a city parking lot.

Now that so many autumn leaves have fallen, views open up through the woods. Unfortunately, in three directions I see bright lights. It's technically against the county planning code to install an outdoor light where it can be seen from a neighbor's house. If this provision were enforced, most of the security lights would have to come down. But to my knowledge, it's never been enforced.

When I ask the Planning Department about this, I get no answer. The director doesn't answer my phone calls or emails. I'm blocked from seeing him in person. Am I angry about it? I have to admit, yes I am. Every "security light" I see triggers a little stir of anger in me. I believe these lights are destroying the night sky in the very places where people move "in order to enjoy nature."

I'm not alone in my view. The internet has many fine articles on light pollution. There's even an organization, the International Dark Sky Association. Still, I'm pessimistic about being able to do anything about it locally. In my area of northeast Georgia, any initiative on light pollution would probably be viewed by most people as a United Nations conspiracy. That's how most environmental initiatives are viewed here.

I don't get it either. But it's a standard response. At first it was "Oh, that's Communism." After the Soviet Union fell apart, the response turned to "Oh, that's a United Nations plot to take over our country."

Still, if I look to the west, I can see mostly darkness. As more leaves fall, a few security lights will show up in the distance. But they'll look small. And the darkness will remind me not only of the delight of moon and stars, but of the kindness of neighbors.

10:36:05 AM    comment []

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