Updated: 1/31/2004; 3:41:49 AM.
Critt Blogs
After the inspiration... It's bloggers all the way down.

Friday, January 09, 2004

Gimme more feeds.scripting.com

So I go to Sebastien Paquet and see that Euan Semple subscribes to him. Euan subscribes to both2and: beyond binary and I like to visit blogs that have 'binary' in the title. And visit I did. Now *!* subscribe to http://both2and.com/weblog/.

Exploring would be easier if the feed name URLs of Euen's list went to the blog instead of the feed.

5:31:38 PM  permalink   

Community: Ashmont T Station

I was just reading Adam Gaffin's feeds and decided to explore Ashmont T Station. Useful information on the redevelopment of the Dorchester MBTA station. Amazing photographs and drawings, too.

Hmmmm... I should explore more of Adam's list.

5:15:04 PM  permalink   

Welcome Joseph!

Congratulations to Lisa, Evan, and Rowan.

4:33:51 PM  permalink   

Oh! Throw me in the shallow water

before I get too deep...

too late...

Been playing around with Feedroll and Share Your OPML and myFeedster...

I may have hurt myself...

I *need* this day job. I *need* this day job. I *need* this day job. I *need* this day job. I *need* this day job. I *need* this day job. I *need* this day job. I *need* this day job. I *need* this day job. I *need* this day job.

3:46:10 PM  permalink   

Inform your neighbors

Free Schuylkill River Park (Philadelphia) - Philadelphia residents fighting to gain access to the new Schuylkill River Park

Thanks to the hundreds of letters send from this site and the hard work of our Coalition members, this week two key elected leaders spoke out strongly in favor of grade level access to Schuylkill River Park.

More from the source: Elected Officials Responding to Our Letters

7:07:29 AM  permalink   

Change. is. happening.

Network-Centric Advocacy:

Put out a call for content, let people know how important it is, let folks know how you are going to use the contribution and what your are going to use them for. Soon..you have volunteers cranking out ads that are as better then most on TV.

More from the source: Bush in 30 Seconds : Network-Centric and Decentralized

6:57:34 AM  permalink   

Lessons from the Dean Campaign

Katrin Verclas writes: The Dean Internet campaign, contrary to popular media opinion, did not emerge out of nowhere. There were precursors there that insiders and academic researchers have noted. There was the decentralized organizing against the WTO and other global justice organizing such as in Chiapas, Mexico, terrorist organizing such as Al Queda and Hamas, the new military doctrine of decentralized warfare, new interest in social network theory, and more recently the anti-war organizing and the rise of MoveOn.org.

More at the source: Peer-to-Peer Politics: Lessons from the Dean Campaign for Advocacy Organizations

6:49:18 AM  permalink   

South Channel is beginning to freeze

Nantasket Roads (South Channel) looks like a witch's brew, a cold smoke hovering over the chop. *That's* cold. I'll bet Allerton Harbor holds ice.

6:36:19 AM  permalink   

ICANN Alert: prior review and issuance of an opinion?

Karl Auerbach comments: But fiction, particularly when driven by strong business incentives, often becomes reality. Did anyone bother to verify beforehand whether Versign's unilateral change was really, truly, and sincerely confined exclusively to Versign's own herd of slave servers?

Karl is referring to: VeriSign Naming and Directory Services will change the serial number format and "minimum" value in the .com and .net zones' SOA records on or shortly after 9 February 2004.

6:31:04 AM  permalink   

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