Wednesday, December 31, 2003 |
My News Day I'm 54 years old today. Woo-hoo!
Happy New Year!
Neighbors Knocking on Doors | | 1/7/2004 |
Community communication services. Jim Moore writes: The Dean campaign is participating in the social software movement because we are committed to grassroots and netroots campaigning—and because members of the social software movement constitute a crucial part of our most active base of supporters. Members of the social software movement are us. We are in the innovation cycle, as well as a beneficiary of it. Thus we have deployed some community communication services including services now called DeanSpace and Dean Commons. Let me be clear: We are establishing our services to empower citizens, not to compete in the social software industry. Our aim is to compete in the presidential election and encourage the transformation of American politics. This is more than enough for us. Our aim is to elect Howard Dean, improve the presidency, and empower people.
Read more... Dean campaign software and services innovation
North Korea | | 1/7/2004 |
Arguments: Why we don't get it. Fifth, we have tended to accept the popular notion that "globalization" -- i.e., increased trade, the spread of technology, and the movement of ideas and people across national frontiers -- would create prosperity and a sense of common interest that would ameliorate international tensions and hostile confrontation. This principle did not work in 1914 despite active trade between Britain and Germany and the German fondness for Shakespeare. It seems particularly unsound to expect it to work in the Korean case.
Source Document: North Korea's Strategy presented by Stephen Bradner
Tikrit | | 1/14/2004 |
Dennis Kucinich - pls take this time - specially for this one. Email from a friend:
People wonder why a person as cynical and occasionally ration as I profess to be can back with such passion the candidacy of Congressman Kucinich.
If you have 20 minutes the answers are to be found here.
1. An amazing article in the Village Voice about a reporter's transformation and falling "in love," as I have, with Kucinich <http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0402/essay.php> The Essay is by Stephen Elliott "The Dennis Kucinich Polka - What's so funny about peace, love, and the Dems' Great Ignored Candidate?" January 14 - 20, 2004 (2 minutes)
2. Dennis's legendary Prayer for America speech, in his own voice, yes that's him singing at the beginning of the speech, can be heard without a download at http://www.wewantkucinich.com/prayer.htm (18 minutes)
Listen to this guy. Do some multitasking so that you're not "wasting" 18 minutes of your life listening to his speech. Think about the way hope and fear are playing out in our country, in our consciousness, and subconsciousness. In our lives. Give voice to hope. Forward the article and the speech as you see fit. Vote for Kucinich. Tell your friends to.
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