My sister and brother married brother and sister

Floyd and Doris are brother and sister. Lloyd and Lura (my brother
and sister) are also. Floyd Nelson married Lura Sloan and Lloyd Sloan married Doris Nelson. So
the Nelsons and the Sloans are pretty intertwined.
Floyd just came home from the hospital day before yesterday. Last
week he had a quadruple bypass. Last month Lura had a kidney removed
after it was discovered she has kidney cancer. Right now Lloyd and
Doris are in Spokane taking care of them.
Both Lura and Floyd are greatly weakened from their struggles with
illness. It is hard to know what they are going through.
This is a very stressful time. Floyd has at least three surgerys
ahead of him. Lura has a still undetermined course of cancer
treatment. It is so hard trying to predict the future. I try to be
upbeat, but it scares me to contemplate it.
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