My last post for awhile
An artful sonKenneth drew this picture of one of his friends. Then another friend of Ken's colored it in Photoshop. Kenneth is a very talented artist, this is an inherited skill from Candy's side of the family. I am very impressed with his art. He is very talented. I am going to SpokaneI am taking a few weeks off to spend time with my sister and her husband. As I have mentioned here before she has cancer and he has recently had a heart attack. Before I go, Sue and I have to deliver the book to the publisher. So, I am taking vacation to do that. This week is busy! I will be back at SJSU in April.
Fantastic weather continues
This too good to be true weather has been holding on. Temperatures have been in the 80's. Amazing considering it is still winter and March! Five more days and winter will be over. It is incredible. I have never seen weather like this, green, lush and downright hot. I'm loving it!
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