Sunday, March 30, 2003 |
Qual Researchers ... Effective Painters ?Thought this comment by Ralph Waldo Emerson illustrates the more holistic ethnographic approach to qualitative research :
"A painter told me that nobody could draw a tree without in some sort becoming a tree; or draw a child by studying the outlines of its form merely . . . but by watching for a time his motions and plays, the painter enters into his nature and can then draw him at every attitude . . ."
2:38:16 PM
Youth Mantra - I Believe I Can FlyThis little poem (wish i could locate the author) i came across, seems to reflect the angst of my generation growing up in India ... the only thing is we never really believed we could fly.
They believe...be sensible prepare now save for the future work hard while young enjoy when old no pain no gain
They believe...compromise follow the crowd stay within the lines keep your head clear keep your eyes straight ahead feet on the ground
What about now! what about roses? what about stars? what about chasing rainbows, floating clouds, butterflies... what about silver linings, serendipity, spontaneity... what about moonbeams, sun-rays, raindrops?
I believe.... I believe I can cut my own pathway I believe I can step off the edge and not fall I believe I can close my eyes and follow my heart and soul I believe I can walk in the rain and not get wet I believe in today and have hope for tomorrow I believe in dreams, I believe in me....
I believe I can fly
Youth today believes they can - they work hard and play hard - not merely as an investment for the future, but also as an integral part of their 'now'.
Some characteristics of Urban Youth observed that support this : * They have built-in filters that block out just about anything that doesn't immediately pique their interest. * They have a great "bullshit" meter - they are very critical of advertising. * They are savvy consumers who sift through an offer and reject it if there's nothing in it for them. * They are diverse in their interests. * They are an attractive but elusive audience ñ they move around and consume different types of media. * They are media-wise, sophisticated, influential and trendsetters. * They are willing to experiment with new products. * They are tech-savvy, trend-focused and free-spending. * They are able to multitask. * They thrive in environments where they have choices, and they seem to equate choice with power. * They do not accept hand-me-downs. * They've been inundated with strong visual stimuli from birth ñ it is hard to hold their attention. * They strive very hard to have control over their lives and they want everyone to know it. * They don't want to be labelled - don't let them think you're pigeon-holing them. * They are walking product directories ñ they have opinions on everything and know what they don't like. * They are taught that they will be satisfied if they purchase products to fill their wants and desires.
2:27:06 PM
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