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Sunday, May 18, 2003 |
Shrinking Globe I've been struggling with my templates for a while now, blogged about it here and here ... and posted all my problems at the Radio Userland discussion board. Was a bit embarrassed by this exchange at Seblogging .... where Sebastian Fiedler in an exchange with Tom Hoffman (in a different context really) wrote : "Tom, Unfortunately, Microsoft starting to impose their "features" and "standards" via Windows is a very likely scenario, isn't it? and if this happens there is not much we could do against it, could we? Just today I wanted to "blog" a post from Dina Mehta's Weblog and was literally blown away by the most ugly html code I have ever seen for a single blog post. All hard coded formatting crap, etc. I am pretty sure Dina is writing her stuff in one of the wonderful Microsoft packages before she posts it on her Weblog... do you know what I mean? Sebastian " But I think i'm finally getting there ! Just waiting for the result of this upstream. Many people have volunteered to help, having read some of my rants .... Terry, who has not only pointed out errors in my templates but has painstakingly re-written them for me and sent me useful pointers on RSS feeds and html editing ... Lilia, who shared relevant parts of her templates for me to hack, and some tips for easy editing ... Sameer, who is not a Radio user, yet pointed out errors and ways i could correct them ... Stuart who helped me write my original templates that i screwed up so bad subsequently ! And Lawrence Lee, and Mark Paschal, and Jim McGee who've also been helping thru the Radio discussion board. Whats amazing is i've never even met any of these wonderful persons - Terry's in Atlanta, Stuart's in San Francisco, Lilia's in the Netherlands and Sameer in Mumbai - i've only had some interesting exchanges with them online ... and they are friends today .... thanks to networks like Ryze and tools like blogging. More power to meaningful conversations and exchanges, and the ease with which these are facilitated by social software. 11:36:42 PM ![]() |
Elpapacito = Elpapaidioto ? I enjoyed reading this rant ... thanks Sameer ..... Anil Dash too has much to say in his comments ... "Yeah, those fucking savages don't understand that civilized countries have four times that many deaths attributable to handguns, for no fucking reason at all. Way to call 'em like you see 'em, elpapacito!" and "More to the point, Indians were able to get their independence from the British without using muskets. In fact, without using violence as part of their strategy at all. Seems a damn site more civilized than the American method." If this is what people in 'civilized' societies are spewing ... what hope do we have ? Good to know that Elpapacito ... sorry, i prefer 'elpapaidioto' .... is seeing some civilised Indian teeth bared, for a change ! India as a punching bag. Not surprisingly she is a "software engineer" student probably a programmer with some clue. Groom goes to jail. On a tangent, your job position is currently being outsourced to this "civilized" country with only 7000 dowry deaths in 2001.Whoa!! ... and since it was a double post... Double Whoa!! *complete with a What-the-fuck?! look on the face* Now what the hell has her being a software engineer have to do with her guts? Since coincidentally I am a "software engineer" too, I wonder if I missed something along the line. No one taught me how to be brave and stand up for yourself during my college years. I mean it certainly wasn't in the curriculum... nor was it in the job description when I took on the job as a "software engineer". So what is this "elpapaidioto" trying to convey?? Does it have any relation to the news or is he just trying to take a potshot at Indians in general. Quite clearly any dumb person with half a brain will tell you that "elpapaidioto" has been afflicted by the sour-grapes syndrome. He is just whining like a low-life. And trying to link two altogether unrelated issues. Well "elpapaidioto", the reason why Indian "programmers with some clue" are getting your jobs is because we have "some clue"!! Does this idiot know what he's ranting about? Making a reference to the 7000 dowry deaths in India he gets on the high horse and questions the civilized nature of the Indian society. As an Indian, I'm deeply ashamed by the practice of dowry deaths as I am by various other retrograde practices attributed to religion and culture. But what the hell is all this about?!! Civilization cannot be quantified so easily, as someone rightly claims in the flame war started by that idiot's post. And "elpapaidioto" seems to agree as he says, I think that unless we all use the very same function to evaluate what is more or less civilized, we'll never be able to quantize a "civilization" level and express it with numbers, so making a comparison apples-2-apples possible.Isn't that lovely??! Such a clear cut definition of "civilization"!! Now... I'll produce some facts and figures. Lets see!! * In 1999, there were 28,874 gun-related deaths in the United States - over 80 deaths every day. (Source: Hoyert DL, Arias E, Smith BL, Murphy SL, Kochanek, KD. Deaths: Final Data for 1999. National Vital Statistics Reports. 2001;49 (8).)And if you look at the spousal abuse, a recent press release by Amnesty Internation states, and I quote Violence against women is one of the most pervasive, yet hidden of human rights abuses. It is rooted in a global culture of discrimination which denies women their fundamental rights. No political or economic system or culture is exempt when it comes to allowing and justifying violence against women - in USA a woman is raped every six minutes, in Russia about 14,000 women are estimated to be killed in domestic violence annually. This year, more than 15,000 women will be sold into sexual slavery in China.And if you want more... According to the Uniform Crime Report of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, 30% of women killed in the United States die at the hands of a husband or boyfriend.Civilized society, eh?! Highly civilized I would say!! I have nothing against America or any other country for that matter (except perhaps against Pakistan... but that is entirely a separate issue!). But if someone tries to put down India, then that really gets me worked up!! My only advice to those who like to pick on India is... Don't fuck with us!! Another instance of needless India-bashing was the linking of Vijay Singh's (the golfer) comments about Annika Sorenstam's decision to play the men's circuit, to his Indian roots. In case you haven't read it yet, here is the story. As much as I would like to rip up those arguments by the racist columnists, I shall pass on that opportunity since I've ranted too much already!! [..::supersam blogs::..] 11:11:32 PM ![]() |
Copyright 2009 Dina Mehta